Monday, February 19, 2007

Dear Blog,
Today we met a Chief! We were received in his "palace," a single storey, cement block building with peeling paint and an open air courtyard. Plastic patio chairs were sourced from the surrounding houses to accomodate the villagers that looked on. The "receiving ceremony" was a formal event. The Chief wore a traditional African robe tied over one shoulder and welcomed us. He is the Chief for seven villages and about 8,000 people. As is the custom we brought gifts. The first was a bottle of very nice Shnapps. The second was a financial contribution to their electricity project. The villages are in a remote rural area of Ghana and they have no power. If they raise the money to buy and install the wooden poles needed, the government will string the power lines. I think the Chief enjoyed the gift of Schnapps more than the financial donation. We were invited to the village as Abba's guests (Abba is the local credit union manager). She stayed with Gene and his family last October as part of the Canadian Co-operative Association's Women's Mentoring Program. She wanted to return the Canadian hospitality that was shown her. Gene brought a large duffel bag with him to the palace and in it were fifty pairs of soccer boots and jerseys. He brought the gifts as soccer is huge here and most of the children play the game bare foot. Did I mention that the Chief enjoyed the Schnapps. The children were jumping with joy. It was a hot and dusty affair. The two "obrunis" visiting this village caused quite a stir. We were told that we were the first white men to visit this village and pay respect to the Chief. A reporter from the local radio station covered the event and interviewed Gene for the story. We both used our twelve words and phrases that we know in "twi" which was humoursly appreciated by the community. It was a very good day.

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