Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Dear Blog,
We return home today on the red eye. We had our meeting with the CEO & senior management team at the Credit Union Association of Ghana. CUA is the central for credit unions in Ghana. This was our chance to share some recommendations on how CUA could more effectively assist the credit unions throughout the country. The key issues we shared related to governance, delinquency & education. There is an old joke that an "expert" is defined as someone who has travelled a long way to talk to you. Our team of ten Canadians many times were reinforcing the messages that CUA had been making. But because we have travelled from Canada to talk to the various boards - the directors were more receptive to the recommendations. There was an exchange of gifts, kind words were said and there were some sad farewells. We have made many friends here and I know that our support and friendship will continue through e-mail.
I have packed my bags and I will stop at the crazy Accra market to pick up some gifts before heading to the airport. I need to also pick up something for the itching. The bed bugs were biting last night. I always pull the sheets back before getting into bed but I must have missed them. I wouldn't do well on Fear Factor.

P.S. I just got back from the hot & humid market. I bought a popular African game that has ancient roots. It is enjoyed by all ages, everyone from kings to kids play it using stones and a simple board. I have left my shoes behind where they will be well used. We are heading to the airport.

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